
2 油化库线路采用耐火电缆或导线,暗敷的消防线路均穿镀锌钢管敷设在非燃烧体结构内,其保护层厚度不应小于75px;明敷消防线路应穿镀锌钢管或封闭金属线槽,并应采取防火保护措施。
3 油化库火灾时仍需工作的值班室采用配有可以延时10分的蓄电池消防专用灯具。油化库主要出入口设安全出口指示灯并设有疏散照明,采用带蓄电池的消防应急灯具。
6 防静电设计:所有库房土建专业按防静电地面设计,防静电地面的接地端子应与本建筑物的接地系统可靠连接,在库房的入口设置消除人体静电装置。
1 oil base power except for combustible gas alarm controller, fire emergency luminaries to load two, others are load, two level load with built-in battery power supply. 2 oil base line with fire resistant cable or wire, fire line dark enough are in galvanized steel pipe laying in the non burning structure, the thickness of the protective layer shall not be less than 75px; open spreading fire line wear galvanized steel pipe or a closed metal wire slot, and the fire protection measures should be take. Duty room must still work 3 oil fires when equipped with a delay of 10 points using the battery fire special lamp. Oil base the main entrance exit lights and a set of safety evacuation lighting, using fire emergency lamp with storage battery. 4 oil base by explosion-proof lighting, socket. 5 oil base set of automatic fire alarm system: A, manual alarm button when the warehouse manual alarm button is pressed, the fire room display alarm position, the operator on duty after confirmation, start sound and light alarm system for evacuation, and take appropriate fire extinguishing measures. B, sound and light alarm device when the warehouse fire, automatic or manual alarm, fire protection duty room display alarm position, the operator on duty after confirmation, start sound and light alarm system for evacuation, and take appropriate fire extinguishing measures. C, fire detection flammable gas alarm system alarm detectors all warehouse, combustible gas alarm controller installed equipment room. Detectors installed away from the indoor floor 0.3m, leakage, when the combustible gas concentration reaches the lower explosive limit (V%) value of 25% when the controller alarm and interlock start explosion-proof fan. When the fire detector to detect the warehouse when fire alarm signal through the transmission bus transmission to the fire room fire alarm controller alarm and display alarm position, the operator on duty after confirmation, start sound and light alarm system for evacuation, and take appropriate fire extinguishing measures. D, a warehouse smoke detection device class a warehouse to warehouse smoke detector when fire alarm signal through the transmission bus transmission to the fire room fire alarm controller alarm and display alarm position, the operator on duty after confirmation, start sound and light alarm system for evacuation, and take appropriate fire extinguishing measures. E, infrared sensor detection device class a warehouse to warehouse infrared induction detector when fire alarm signal through the transmission bus transmission to the fire room fire alarm controller alarm and display alarm position, the operator on duty after confirmation, start sound and light alarm system for evacuation, and take appropriate fire extinguishing measures. 6 anti-static design: all warehouse according to civil professional anti-static floor design, antistatic ground earthing terminal shall be reliably connected with the grounding system of the building, eliminating device of human body electrostatic set in warehouse entry.