用can, could, may, must, shall, should, will, would, can’t, mustn’t, needn’t 或have to 填空

1. There is air around us, thought we ________ see it.
2. Your mother is getting better and better. You _______ worry about her. 3. You _______ play football in the busy street.
4. “_______ it be true ?.” “Yes. It _______ be true indeed.” 5. Tom _______ come to the party tonight, but I’m not sure. 6. _______ you please fetch me some water for me? 7. Young trees ________ be planted in spring. 8. “Must we hand in our exercise books today?” “Yes, you ______.” “No, you ________.”
9. “May I take this magazine out of the reading-room?” “Yes, you _______.” “No, you _______.”
10. Please speak a little louder so that I _______ hear you.


  1. can'梁数t

  2. needn't

  3. mustn't

  4. Could,must

  5. may

  6. Could

  7. should

  8. must,needn't

  9. may,mustn't

  10. could


  1. could

  2. needn't

  3. can't

  4. can,will

  5. may

  6. would

  7. should

  8. must,need't

  9. can,mustn't

  10. can
