1、Cherry or sakura and wedge JingTao, cherries, etc., are some of the plants of the genus lee collectively, including cherry subgenus, sour cherry subgenus, GuiYing subgenus, etc. Can be used as a fruit to eat fruit, bright color, crystal clear, beautiful, red agate, yellow as coagulate fat, nutrition is particularly rich, the fruit is rich in sugar, protein, vitamins and calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and other elements. Leading producer in shandong, anhui, jiangsu, zhejiang, henan, gansu, shaanxi and so on.樱桃或樱又名楔荆桃、车厘子等,是某些李属的植物的统称,包括樱桃亚属、酸樱桃亚属、桂樱亚属等。
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