
摘 要

Taiji is an important concept in the ideological history of China and it originates from Book of Changes, which describes the various representation of the world as: Change consists of Taiji, Taiji gives birth to Two Opposites, Two Opposites gives birth to Four Phenomena, Four Phenomena gives birth to Eight Trigrams”. So Taiji has a very close relationship with Eight Trigrams.
More and more foreign designers are beginning to do all sorts of researches on Taiji.
Most design related to Taiji is so simple but full of impact at the same time.
However, as regards the interpretation of Taiji, most designers just present to us the design that derives from the traditional concepts of Taiji. The majority of us just understands and treats Taiji in a traditional way and very few can find out the neutrality of Taiji. Maybe it is the vastness and changeability of Taiji that make us just linger on its surface.
In this thesis, I will dig into the neutral concept of Taiji and understand the neutral female garment which is very popular nowadays when bearing this concept in my mind. In fact, Taiji is more than what we have seen. We have to dig out the essence of Taiji and use our traditional culture to understand the modern fashion. Taiji is not only a form but also the
deep-rooted culture. It should be a kind of influence and also a kind of concept that exists in all things. We have to use this concept to live our lives and perceive the fashion and present the different aspect of Taiji to everyone.

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Taiji is a very import concept in Chinese spirit. We find
the word of Taiji firstly in the book of <YIZHUAN> which mention”…迹键……(姿羡巧中间这段不太会)” and Taiji has very closely connection
with another word called Bagua. More and more foreign designers are making
kinds of research for Taiji. Most of design plans related to Taiji are very simple
but impressed.

But how to annotate Taiji, this is a question. Majority
people pay attention and make design plans based on traditional Taiji concept and
they don’t explore the Taiji’s beauty of neutral. But how can we penetrate the
surface to see into the Taiji’s internal essence?

In my Graduate Project, I try to find more neutral
content of Taiji and analysis the neutral dresses in modern fashion. Actually
Taiji has more meaning than we often know. Taiji is not only a simple form or a
deep-rooted culture image but also an effect and idea throughout everything in
the world. Making good use of this idea to understand fashion better, I will show
you a different side of Taiji.

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