新概念2 第一课问题 I did not enjoy it(这里为什么用did,不可以用could?)

Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. ‘I can't hear a word!’ I said angrily.
‘It's none of your business, ’ the young man said rudely. ‘This is a private conversation!’

I could not hear the actors(这里为什么用could,不能用did?actor为什么加S )
I can't hear a word(这里为什么用can,不用could?)
I could not hear the actors. 我听不到演员们说话. 演员不止握启一个,所以用复塌尺数,加s
由于这是在叙述过去发生的事,所以用could. 表示一种能力, could not 就是不能. 由于They were talking loudly 他们大声讲话,导致我无法听到.
而用did not的话,就表示主观上的不听.

I can't hear a word 这是直接引语了,就是发生在当时的情景里,用的一般现在时.

用could 是因为文章里的主要时态是过去时,用could还想表达的是不能听到,而用did的话则表腔哪升示的是没有听到,两者意思很明伍老显不同。
i can't hear a word这句话用了引号,表示的是当时所说的话,所以用的是一般时态。