虽然我们不会做这些考试题 ,但我们可以等老师讲 用英语怎么说啊

虽咐做樱然我们不会衡丛做这些考试题 ,但我们可以等胡悉老师讲.
Althogh we can not answer these questions for the test, we can wait until our teacher explains.
Although we don'绝塌笑并含衫念t know how to solve these test problems, we can wait for the teacher to explain.
Although we are unable to do these test problems, but we can wait for the teacher'困做前汪清胡嫌s explain.
Although we won't do these exams, but we can wait teacher speak
we don'漏槐型返猜明绝t know how to solve these test problems, but we can wait for the teacher to explain