
1.The city museum__which will be open to the public next Monday.98% of the work is finished.
A.has restored B.has been restored C.is restoring D.is being restored
2.The lastest edition of the Oxford English Dictionary includes 62 new words__the changes in our cultural exchanges.
A.having represented B.to represent C.represented D.to be represented
3.Why not try this one?Maybe it's__you have been looking for.
A.where B.when C.what D.why
4.The earth is our only home ang only by saving the environment__ourselves.
A.we can save B.can we save C.we must save D.must we save
5.After the long journey,the ten of us returned to the company,__.
A.hungry and tiredly B.hungry and tired C.hungrily and tiredly D.hungrily and tired
6.The 180 kg robot can safely pick up and carry people__as much as 61kg.
7.__H7N9 is a deadly virus,it is stil safe to eat thoroughly-cooked chicken.
A.Until B.While C.IF D.Since
1. D restore修复,这里应该使用被动语态。 A和D都是被动语态,那就看时态了,因为修复工作没有做完,所以就不能使用完成时枝陵。
2.B word 象征,代表 the changes ,这里是主动语态。而C和D都有被动的含义。 A选项表示的是过去发生的行为。而最新的字典应该是现在发生的事情。
3 C 为什芹差么不试试这个呢?也许它就是你一直在找的东西。 只有'what" 才表示事物。.....的东西
4 B 句式以only开头....后面都要倒装。 只有拯救环境,才能挽救我们自己。 这里根据句意得选can而不是must
5 B 形容词作猛首戚伴随状语。
7 B while 在这里while的意思是:虽然.....虽然H7N9是个致命的病毒,但是吃完全煮熟的鸡肉仍然是安全的。