深圳英语知识 深圳中考英语必背单词







1. swim(现在分词)______________ 2. one(复数)________________

3. say(第三人称单数)_____________ 4. see(过去时)_____________

5. it's(同音词) ______________ 6. leave(反义词)______________

7. wear(同音词) ______________ 8. right(同音词)______________

9. Thursday(上一天)_______________ 10. I would(缩写)____________


1. This is my _________(two) day in Shanghai.

2. He _______(has) lunch now.

3. December is the ________(12) month of a year.

4. I usually get up at 6:30 and then brush my _______(tooth).

5. They are _______(woman)_______(teacher).


1. Thank you.

A. You're welcome B. Thanks C. That's OK

2. This is a full bag.

A. one is full B. is a full one C. box is full

3. Good morning, boys and girls.

A. class B. boys C. girls

4. Is this pen broken? No, it's OK.

A. right B、nice C. all right

5. Is everyone here today?

A. Everyone is here today. B. We are all here today. C. Are we all here today?

(二)交际用语(Daily English)



1. What's wrong? A. Good idea.

2. Are you tired? B. Sometimes.

3. Do you have a cold? C. I'm not feeling very well.

4. You should go to see the doctor. D. Yes, a little.

5. How often do you have a cough? E. No, I don't.


1.-How are you, today?



---I have chicken and vegetables for lunch.


-I have three.


- Iced tea, please.





1. Do you need ________ energy to dance?

A. lot of B. lots of C. many D. a lot

2.-________ do you listen to news?

-Twice a day.

A. How many days B. How many times C. How often D. How much

3. My sister Janet hates carrots, so she ________ eat them.

A. usually B. always

C. every day D. seldom

4.-I want to buy ________.

-Here you are.

A. half kilos of beef B. a kilo of meats C. two kilos of chickens D. two kilos of rice

5.-Are you feeling ________ today?

-Yes, thank you.

A. good B. health C. better D. bad

6. Would you like ________ to eat?

A. anything nice B. something nice C. nice anything D. nice something

7. His bag is ________ of all.

A. heavy B. heaviest C. the heaviest D. heavier

8.-Is that your bag?

-Yes. ________.

A. It's mine B. It's me C. It's my D. It's you

9. My grandfather enjoys ________ newspapers ________ breakfast.

A. watching; on B. seeing; in C. reading; at D. to read; at

10. Thank you for ________ my bike.

A. to mend B. mending C. mends D. will mend


1. Everyone calls me is Li Gang.


2. There will have a Chinese New Year party in Chinatown this evening.


3. Don't play a trick to your little brother.


4. I think someone is in. Let's knock the door.


5. Thanks for tell us so many funny stories.



1. Close the door, please.(改为否定句)

2. The boys are playing games.(划线部分提问)

3. Lily is writing.She isn’t reading.(连成选择疑问句)

4. My sister is watching TV.(划线部分提问)

5. I have a new pencil-box.(改为一般疑问句)


(一)阅读理解(reading comprehension)


A. The Double Ninth Festival

It falls on the ninth of the ninth lunar month. People used to climb mountains on that day. So it is also called a festival of climbing mountains. Now it has become the Elders' Day.

B. The Notting Hill Carnival

Between 1956 and 1962 the British government asked people from the Caribbean to come to England. They worked in the hospitals and on trains and buses in London. Now every August in London there is a big carnival with music in the streets of Notting Hill.

C. Christmas Day

On December 25th, Christmas Day, people give presents, send cards and eat a special dinner at home. The children are usually very excited because they get presents from Father Christmas(Santa Claus). In their houses, people have a special tree with lights.

D. Diwali

Between 1962 and 1968, many people from India and Pakistan came to live and work in Britain. Their most important celebration every year is Diwali. This is a big festival of lights and dancing with special food and new clothes. Diwali is usually between September and November.

E. Chinese New Year

Like Diwali, this celebration moves its date each year. Usually it is in January or February. In many big cities the people build paper dragons, wear masks and have fireworks, lights and music in the street.


1. Father Christmas sends presents to children. ________

2. You can see fireworks in the street. ________

3. People wear new clothes. ________

4. They came from the Caribbean. ________

5. People always climb mountains with their friends. ________


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

8:00-8:45 Maths Chinese English Maths Chinese

8:55-9:40 English Maths Chinese Chinese Computer

10:00-10:45 Art Physics Biology Politics Computer

10:55-11:40 P.E. English Maths Chemistry English

1:00-1:45 History Geography Physics History Maths

2:00-2:45 Music Chemistry P.E. English Biology

2:55-3:40 Chinese Class Meeting Politics Chinese Geography


6. You have an art class on________.

A. Monday B. Tuesday

C. Wednesday D. Thursday

7. You have________Chinese classes every week.

A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6

8.-How long will you rest for lunch-break?


A. 60 minutes B. 70 minutes

C. 80 minutes D. 90 minutes

9. You have________classes only on Monday and Wednesday.

A. art B. music C. biology D. P.E.

10. You can send and receive e-mails from________ to________in computer class on Friday.

A. 8:00; 9:40 B. 8:55; 10:45

C. 10:00; 11:40 D. 2:00; 3:40



My name is Edward. I live in Illinois, America. I am 11 years old. I like playing basketball and swimming, and I like to write and sometimes read. I like science because it is very interesting. My favorite music is piano music. I collect pianos, too. I have 4 new pianos. I also collect piano music CDs. How about you? What's your favorite sport and music? Do you collect anything? E-mail me!My e-mail address is whatever 652@ hotmail.com.

This is my new pen pal. His name is 1______. He is from 2____. He lives in 3______. He likes playing basketball and 4______. At school, he likes 5______ best because it is 6______. His favorite kind of music is 7____music, and he collects 8______ and all of them are 9______. He also has many piano music 50______. I think he can be a musician someday. Do you think so?


1. do homework, Mike, 7 o’clock


2. boys, like, play bascketball


3. Tim, study, on, computer, home


4. not, sleep, until







1. It’s body is square.

It sleeps on the desk every day.

It knows many things but can’t say to you.

A lazy person doesn’t touch it.

A diligent person always has it in his hand.

What is it?

2. Look at the picture above. Kate, Tony, Jim and Bob like different kind of food.

Kate doesn't like apples, but she likes other fruit.

Tony doesn't like hamburgers, but he likes French fries.

Jim likes vegetables.

Bob doesn't like tomatoes or pears, and he doesn’t like fruit, either.

Mary likes bananas very much.


Kate: ________ Tony:________ Jim: ________ Bob:________ Mary:________

3. What has a bed but never sleeps?

4. What letter comes next in this sequence: M, A, M, J, J,?

5. What is the sum of all the numbers from1 to 1,000?


1. If I give you seven apples, you will have five times as many as I would then have. However, if you give me seven apples, we will then both have the same number of apples. How many apples do I currently have?

2. How can you add 3 lines to an“M” to make a total of 9 triangles?



I. 1. swimming, 2. ones 3. says 4. saw 5. its

6. arrive 7. where 8. write 9. Wednesday 10. I’d

II. 1. second 2. is having 3. twelfth 4. teeth 5. women, teachers




II. 1. I’m fine 2. What do you have for lunch 3. How many eggs do you have

4. What would you like to drink 5. What color are they


I. 1-5 BCDDC 6-10 BCACN





阅读填词1. Edward 2. America 3. Illinoi 4. swimming 5. science 6. interesting 7. piano 8. pianos 9. new 10. CDs




(一)1. book


3. rive

4. A(august)

5. 5, 500

(二)1. I have 14 and you have 28.



With the improvement of the living standards,many people are no longer interested in the simple life style and some of them even feel ashamed to be thrifty.What they pursue is the latest fashion.In their eyes,thrift is already out of style.

However,still other people insist that thrift is a good virtue.They say that the strong power of production doesn't mean that we are supposed to a live a luxurious life,because our natural resources are limited and some of them even are on the decline.Moreover,they hold that waste may lead to degradation of social atmosphere and environmental pollution as well.

As to me,I prefer the latter opinion.I believe“Waste not,want not.” The truth of this saying is not to give up fort but to enhance efficiency.In fact,economic growth depends enormously on saving.Besides,there are still millions of Chinese living under poverty line.We can never afford reckless waste.Therefore,it is no doubt that thrift is still a good virtue that we should not give up.


I like the Chinese new year better than any other festival.This is a time especially for rest and joy.I need not study.I wear good clothes and eat good food.I have a good time from morning till night.I am as happy as a king.


Rose:"Hi,Linna,how are you? Lucy:"I'm very well! Rose:"Which class are you in? Lucy:"I'm in the same class with you! Rose:"Oh!Great! Do you like our new teacher? Lucy:"Not really. Rose:"Why? Lucy:"I like my old teacher but she is not here now. Rose:"Don't worry. Lucy:"Ok,let's go to the classroom. Rose:"Let's go柔丝:“嗨,露西,你好吗?露西:“我很好!柔丝:“你在哪几个班?露西:“我与你在同一个班!柔丝:“噢!太好了!你喜欢我们的新老师吗?露西:“不。柔丝:“为什么?露西:“我喜欢我的老教师,但她现在不在这儿。柔丝:“别担心。露西:“好吧,让我们到教室里去。柔丝:“咱们走吧


Park There is a park near my home.There are a lot of beautiful trees,flowersand birds in the park.So many people go to the park to enjoy theirweekends.They like walking or having a piic in the park.But I like flying akite with my sisiter there.我家附近有一个公园。


他们喜欢在公园里散步或是野餐.但是我喜欢和我姐姐在那里放风筝。Bedroom Ihave a*** all bedroom.There are only a*** all bed,a*** all desk and a*** all chairin the room.And there is a beautiful doll on my blue bed.Everyday I do myhomework,read books and play games with the doll in my bedroom.It is*** all,butit gives me much happiness.我有一间小小的卧室。



My father Myfather is a tall and handsome man.He is a policeman. Everyday he es backhome very late,because he must help the others.He doesn't have time to examinemy homework and take me to the park.But I like my father,because he is a goodpoliceman.我的爸爸是一个高大帅气的男人。他是一个警察。


但是我仍然很喜欢我的爸爸,因为他是一个好警察。I am from ShenZhen. In spring,the weather iswarm and wet. I can play kite. In summer, the weather is hot and wet. I canswim in the swimming pool. In the autumn, the weather is cool and dry. I canplay kite, too. In the winter, the weather is cold and dry. It never snow.我是来自深圳。





Today is my grandpa's birthday. Our family wentback to my grandpa's home in the morning. We got together to have a big familydinner to celebrate his birthady. We bought a big birthday cake and gave somepresents to my grandpa. In theafternoon, we went to the park to go boating. We had a good time. My grandpahad a nice time on his birthday.今天是爷爷的生日,我们全家早晨回到爷爷家。我们举行了大型家庭聚会来庆祝爷爷的生日。


我们玩得很开心,爷爷过了一个愉快的生日 Mr.Knott is a teacher. He is at home. Thetelephone rings. He answers the phone.He says,“Hello.Thisis 82654379. Who's th。


机场费 airport fee出站(出港、离开) departures国际机场 international airport登机手续办理 check-in国内机场 domestic airport登机牌 boarding pass(card)机场候机楼 airport terminal护照检查处 passport control immigration国际候机楼 international terminal行李领取处 luggage claim; baggage claim国际航班出港 international departure国际航班旅客 international passengers国内航班出站 domestic departure中转 transfers卫星楼 satellite中转旅客 transfer passengers人口 in中转处 transfer correspondence出口 exit; out; way out过境 transit进站(进港、到达) arrivals报关物品 goods to declare不需报关 nothing to declare贵宾室 V. I. P. room海关 customs购票处 ticket office登机口 gate; departure gate付款处 cash候机室 departure lounge出租车 taxi航班号 FLT No(flight number)出租车乘车点 Taxipick-up point来自。

arriving from大轿车乘车点 coachpick-up point预计时间 scheduled time(SCHED)航空公司汽车服务处 airline coach service实际时间 actual租车处(旅客自己驾车) car hire已降落 landed公共汽车 bus; coach service前往。

departure to公用电话 public phone; telephone起飞时间 departure time厕所 toilet; W. C; lavatories; rest room延误 delayed男厕 men's; gent's; gentlemen's登机 boarding女厕 women's; lady's由此乘电梯前往登机 stairs and lifts to departures餐厅 restaurant迎宾处 greeting arriving酒吧 bar由此上楼 up; upstairs咖啡馆 coffee shop; cafe由此下楼 down; downstairs免税店 duty-free shop银行 bank邮局 post office货币兑换处 money exchange; currency exchange出售火车票 rail ticket订旅馆 hotel reservation旅行安排 tour arrangement行李暂存箱 luggage locker行李牌 luggage tag机票飞机票(指限定条件) endoresement/restrictions前往城市 to旅客姓名 name of passenger承运人(公司) carrier旅行经停地点 good for passage between航班号 flight no.起点城市 from座舱等级 class(fare basis)起飞日期 date机号 plane No.起飞时间 time机座号 seat No.订座情况 status吸烟坐位*** oking seat机票确认 ticket confirm非吸烟席 non-*** oking seat登机口 gate。


1、According to a research project at Cambridge Uiversity, it doesn't matter what order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter be in the right place. This is because the human mind does not read every letter。


2、'WAS IT A CAR OR A CAT I SAW'. This is the only English sentence which even if we read in reverse, it'll give the same sentence。(我看到的是一辆车还是一只猫)这是英语中唯一一句反过来念还是一样的句子。

3、"Goodbye" came from"God bye" which came from"God be with you"。英语单词“Goodbye”来自于“God bye”,原意是“上帝与你同在”。

4、The sentence"The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog."uses every letter of the alphabet!(这只敏捷的棕色狐狸跳过了一只懒狗)这句话用到了字母表中的所有字母! 5、"Go", is the shortest plete sentence in the English language。“Go”是英语中最短的完整句子。

6、The onion is named after the Latin word'unio' meaning large pearl。单词“onion”(洋葱)来自于拉丁词“unio”,意思是大珍珠。

7、The word Tips is actually an acronym standing for'To Insure Prompt Service'。单词“tips”(小费)实际上是“To Insure Prompt Service”(保障快捷的服务)的首字母缩写! 8、The phrase'rule of thumb' is derived from and old English law which stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb。

词组“rule of thumb”(经验法则),是从一条古老的英国法律中来的,即:不能用超过大拇指粗细的东西打老婆。 9、The longest word in the English language!英语中最长的单词是“”(硅酸盐沉着病)! 10、More people in China speak English than in the United States。

会说英语的中国人比会说英语的美国人还多。 11、The word"listen" contains the same letters as"silent"。

单词“listen”(听)和“silent”(安静的)用到了一样的字母。 12、Hoover vacuum cleaners were so popular in the UK that many people now refer to vacuuming as hoovering。

胡佛真空吸尘器在英国曾经非常流行,到现在很多人还把“vacuuming”(吸尘)说成“hoovering”(胡佛ing…)。 13、Stressed is Desserts spelled backwards。

“Stressed”(压力)倒过来拼就是“Desserts”(点心)。 14、The most used letter in the English alphabet is'E', and'Q' is the least used!英语中使用最多的字母是“E”,用得最少的是“Q”。

15、Ernest Vincent Wright wrote a novel,"Gad*** y", whichcontains over 50,000 words-- none of them with the letter E!。


1. Introduction of myself Hello,everybody. My name is。

I am twelve year old. I am tall and thin. I like sports very much because it is one of the best ways of keeping healthy and it can bring me lots of happiness. I like swimming, playing baketball and badminton. But playing table tennis is my favorite. I often play basketball with my friends after school and play table tennis with my father on weekend. When I doing sports, I always forget my worries. 2. Weather Here is the weather report. Beijing will be cold. The highest temperature will be 1 degree centigrade and the lowest temperature will be minus 10 degree centigrade. Yunnan will be sunny and the highest temperature will be 19 degree centigrade。 3.What do I often do when I am free When I am free, I like doing sports and listen to the music. I always spend an hour walking or jogging in the park near my house. Besides, I also play table tennis with my friends on weekends. In my opinion, taking exercise can not only rest our brains and eyes but also help build our bodies. When I do sports, I always forget my worries and it can make me happy. When I have time, I like listen to classical music and pop music because it can make me feel relaxed and bee refreshed afterwards. I sometimes go fishing with my father on weekends. I started fishing when I was a kid. Sometimes I don't catch anything but it doesn't matter. It's really relaxing. I like the feeling that is when I am fishing, I just forget about everything and my worries. It's great. 4. Spring Festival Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It usually es in January or February. People usually clean their house from top to bottom and put on card couplets before Spring Festival. People have a big dinner together, watch Spring Festival Gala Evening and set off fire crackets on the eve. They also visit friends and relatives. Children usually get lucky monery during Spring Festival. in a word, Spring Festival is the happiest time for Chinese people.春节时中国最重要的节日。



总之,春节时中国人们最快乐的时光。 5.My favorite season There are four seasons. Spring, summer, autumn and winter. My favorite season is winter. Although it is cold in winter, it sometimes snows heavily then I can play with snow. I like have a now fight with my friends and make snowman. I also like skiing and skating so I often go skiing and skating with my friends in winter. What's more, I like the winter vacation and the Spring Festival. So winter is my favorite season. 6. A trip to the beach It was sunny and warm today. I went to the beach near my home with my best friend Jim. It took us twenty minutes to get there by bike. We walked on the beach, played games, swam in the sea and built up a sand castle. We didn't go home until 5:00 in the afternoon. Although we felt tired, we were happy because we really had a good time. 7.A trip to the Great Wall I went to the Great Wall with my friends Li Leilast Sunday. It took us about an hour to get there by bus. It was hot and sunny that day. There were thousands of people on the wall. We walked on the wall about two hours. We met a group of foreigner and talked with them in English. I bought a book about the Great wall and my friend bought a pair of sunglasses. We ate our lunch at a restaurent. We didn't go home until 3:00 in the afternoon. Although we were tired, we felt very happy. 8.My plan Here is my new year plan. I will listen to the teacher carefully in class and review what I am leant after class.I will study hard so that I can get good grades. I will spend more time on English because I am weak in my spoken language and sometimes I am shy to speak in front of the class. I will try my best to help more people. I am going to do more sports because I think it's a good way of keeping healthy. I will help my parents do more housework and I will help my clas*** ates with their lessons,too.9. 1. It's very important for us to keep healthy because without good health we can nearly do nothing. I think good eating habbits and doing enough exercise are the main factors to keep fit. What's more, we should wash our hands in time and drink enough water every day. We'd better not drink or*** oke because they are bad for our health. 10. With the development of the tecknoledge, the inter is being an important part in our daily life. People use it to work, study, read the news, listen to music, watch movies and so on. But if we spend lots of time on the inter, it wil do harm to our health. 11.We will hold the Olympic。



1、真是稀客。 You are really a rare visitor.

2、你说的头头是道。 What you said sounded reasonable.

3、我真是反应迟钝。 I am really slow-minded.

4、你把我给搞糊涂了。 You made me confused.

5、罪有应得。 You deserved it.

6、已经无法挽救了。 There is no way out.

7、别跟自己过不去。 Don't give yourself too much pressure.

8、你有话直说吧。 Just say it.

9、这可不是三言两语的事。 It's not easy to explain in several words.

10、天塌下来有我呢。Nothing serious. It's up to me.


1、车到山前必有路。 You will find a way.

2、破财免灾嘛。 Lose money just to avoid misfortune.

3、成事不足,败事有余。 Never make, but always break.

4、别在这挖苦我了。Don't make jokes about me.

5、英雄所见略同。 Great minds think alike.

6、让你破费了。 Thank you for inviting me.

7、有点不怎么对劲儿。 There's something wrong here.

8、太阳从西边出来了。 It never happens to you.

9、恭敬不如从命。 I had better follow your advice.

10、你可别小看我。 Don't look down upon on me.




动词:accept接受 achieve实现 advise建议 afford支付得起 answer回答 appear出现 add添加 act行动 allow允许 agree同意 arrive到达 ask问 appreciate欣赏 argue争论

名词:advice建议 activity活动 address地址 age年龄 air空气 attention注意 accident事故

形容词:able能够的 awful可怕的 active活跃度 afraid恐惧的 alive活着的 amazing令人惊异的 angry生气的 asleep睡着的 anxious焦虑的 actually实际的 alike相同的 alone孤独的

代词:any任何的 anybody任何人 anymore不再 anyone任何人 anything任何事 anytime任何时间 anywhere任何地方


动词:beat打败 begin开始 believe相信 borrow借来 bring带来 break打破 build建筑burn燃烧 buy买 bother打扰

名词: bank银行 breakfast早餐 bread面包 business商业

形容词:beautiful美丽的 blind盲的 boring无聊的 born天生的 bright明亮的 brave勇敢的 busy忙的


动词:care关心,在乎 call打电话 carry扛 catch抓住 cause导致 celebrate庆祝 change改变 chat聊天 check检查 choose选择 clean打扫 clear清除 climb攀爬 close关 come来collect收集 communicate交流 compare比较 consider考虑 continue继续control控制connect连接 cook煮 copy复制 cost花费 count有价值,数 cover覆盖 cry哭 create创造 cross横过 cut切

名词: capital首都 cancer癌症 care小心 century世纪 chance机会 child小孩 children小孩(复) choice选择 city城市 clothes衣服 cloud云朵 collection收集 college大学 communication交流 competition比赛 contest比赛 conversation对白 corner拐角 country国家 countryside乡村 courage勇气 culture文化 course课程 custom风俗

形容词:careful小心点 careless粗心的 certain确定的 cheap便宜的 clean干净的 clear干净的 clever聪明的 close关着的 cloudy多运动 colorful多彩的 comfortable舒服的 common共同的 confident自信的 confusing令人困惑的 convenient方便的 correct正确的 crazy懒惰的 creative有创造性的 crowded拥挤的 cruel残酷的 cute可爱的


动词:dare敢于 deal处理 decide决定 depend依靠 describe描述 design设计 destroy毁坏 develop发展 die死亡 discover发现 discuss讨论 disturb打搅 divide分开 donate风险 draw画 dream梦想 drink喝 drop掉落

名词: danger危险 date日期 daughter女儿 death死亡 decision决定 development发展 dictionary字典 difference差异 discussion讨论 disease疾病

形容词:dangerous危险的 dark黑的,暗的 dead死亡的 deaf聋的 deep深的 delicious美味的 different不同的 difficult困难的 disappointing令人失望的 dry干的


动词:eat吃 encourage鼓励 end结束 enjoy喜欢 enter进入 examine检查 exchange改变 expect盼望 express表现 explain解释 escape逃离

名词: east东放 energy能量 example例子 exercise练习 experience经历,经验 excuse借口

形容词:easy容易的 embarrassed尬尴的 embarrassing令人尬尴的 empty空的 expensive贵的 excited兴奋的 exciting令人兴奋的 extra额外的


动词:fail失败,不及格 fall落下 fear恐惧 feed喂养 feel感觉 fetch去拿来 fill填满 finish完成 fix修理 fly飞行 follow跟随 force强迫 forget忘记 fight打架 fool愚弄 fit适合

名词: factory工厂 feeling感觉 fire火 flight航班 floor地板 foreigner外国人 future未来friendship友谊 fun玩笑,乐趣

形容词:fat肥胖的 fast快速的 far远的 famous著名的 fair公平的 favorite最喜欢的 foreign外国的 free空闲的,免费的 friendly有好多 full满的,饱的 funny有趣的,滑稽的 fit适合的


动词:get得到 give给 go去 grow生长 guess猜测 greet打招呼 guide指导

名词:gift礼物 gold金色 guest客人 grade年级

形容词:good好的 glad高兴的 gentle温柔的


动词:happen发生 hate讨厌 have有 hang悬挂 help帮助 hide隐藏 hear听到 hit撞击 hold容纳,握 hope希望 hurry赶快,匆忙 hurt受伤

名词: habit习惯 half一半 hat帽子 head头 health健康 help帮助 history历史 hundred百 human人类 housework家务劳动 hotel宾馆 hometown家乡 holiday假日 hunger饥饿 hurry匆忙 husband丈夫

形容词:happy高兴的 hard困难的,硬的 hard-working努力工作的 helpful有帮助的 healthy健康的 huge巨大的 honest诚实的 homeless无家可归的 hungry饥饿的


动词:improve提高 include包括 increase增加 imagine想象impress印象 interview采访 introduce介绍 invite邀请 invent发明

名词:illness疾病 importance重要information信息 instruction命令interest兴趣invitation邀请island岛屿

形容词:ill生病的 important重要的 impossible不可能的 injured受伤的 interesting有趣的


动词:join参加 jump跳跃

名词:joy开心 jacket夹克 job工作 joke玩笑



动词:keep保持 kick踢 kill杀 kiss亲吻 know知道 knock敲门

名词: king国王 kitchen厨房 kite风筝 key钥匙 kid小孩 knife小刀 knowledge知识

形容词: kind和蔼的 knowledgeable知识渊博的


动词: last最后 laugh笑 lay躺 learn学习 leave离开 let让 lie位于 lift举起like喜欢 list列举listen听 litter乱丢 live生活 lock锁 light照亮

名词:lab实验室 lady女士 land土地 language语言 left离开 leaf叶子 leader领导 law法律lesson教训 level水平 letter信 lift电梯 light灯 lock锁 library图书馆 lunch午餐luck运气 love爱

形容词:large大的 late玩的 latest最新的 lazy懒惰的 lively活泼的 lonely孤独的 long长的


动词:major主修manage管理 mark标志 marry嫁娶, match比赛, matter要紧, make制作, mean用意 meet遇见 mend修理 mention提到 mind介意 mistake犯错 move移动

名词:magazine杂志 map地图 mark标志 match,比赛 matter,事件 meal,膳食 material材料, market市场 mind思想 milk牛奶 million百万 method方法 message信息 memory记忆 member成员 meeting会议 medicine药 means方法 meaning意义 menu菜单 mountain山mother妈妈 morning早上 money钱 monitor班长Monday星期一moment重要 model模特 minute分钟 month月份 moon月亮 mouse老鼠 mouth嘴巴movie电影 music音乐museum博物馆

形容词:magic, main most modern much


动词:need需要 nod断头 note注意 notice通知

名词:nature自然 neighborhood附近 news新闻newspaper报纸night晚上 note笔记 notebook笔记本nose鼻子 noise噪音 noon正午 north北方 notice注意 nurse护士 number数量

形容词:national国家的 natural自然的 nearby附近的necessary必要的 nervous紧张的normal平常的nice好看的northern北方的 new新的 next下一个的


动词:obey服从 offer提供 open打开 operate运转 own拥有 order,命令 organize组织

名词:object物体 office办公室 oil油 ocean海洋 opportunity机会 operation手术 owner拥有者 offer提议

形容词:old老的 own自己的outstanding出色的 outgoing开朗的 orange橙色的 opposite相反的open开放的


动词: pack包装 park停放 paint油漆 pass通过 pay付款 perform执行 please讨人喜欢pick选择play玩 phone打电话 place放置 practice练习 point指出 praise赞扬prepare准备 prove证明 provide提供 pull拉 promise承诺 protect保护 produce生产 prevent预防

名词: part部分 park公园 pardon原谅 paper论文 pair一对 page记录package包裹parent父(母) person任务 patient耐心 peace和平 period时代 people人民pity遗憾 picture图片 pleasure高兴 pocket口袋 police警察 plenty丰富 public公众 pronunciation发音 progress进步 problem问题 prize奖品 pride自豪 price价格

形容词:particular特别的 personal个人的 patient有耐心的 perfect完美的 popular受欢迎的possible可能的 poor贫穷的polite有礼貌的proud自豪的proper适当的 pretty漂亮的 pleasant令人愉快的 pleased高兴的


Quarter四分之一 quality质量 question问题 quick快的 quickly快速地 quiet安静的 quietly安静地 quite相当的


动词: rain下雨 raise提高 reach达到 read阅读 realize意识到 recite背诵 record记录 refuse拒绝 regard看待 regret后悔 relax放松 remain保持 receive接收remember记得 rent出租 repair修理 repeat重复 reply回复 report报导 require需要 rest休息 retell复述 ride骑 ring按铃 rise上升 return返回 review回顾 run跑步 rush冲 remind介意

名词: rain雨 radio收音机 reason原因 relation关系 rest休息 report报道research研究 review回顾 risk风险 rule规则

形容词: rainy下雨的 rapid迅速的 relaxing令人轻松的 relaxed松懈的 regular规律的 right正确的 rude粗鲁的


动词: say说话 satisfy令人满意 sail航行 search研究 set树立 shake动摇 save节省 sell销售 seem似乎 serve招待 send发送 see看见 shut关闭 show显示 shout呼喊 shoot射击 share分享 shine照耀 sort分类 speak说话 spell拼写 spend花钱 stand站立 start开始steal偷窃 stick坚持 stop停止 store储藏 suit合适 suggest建议 succeed成功 study研究suppose猜想 supply供给 surprise使惊奇 sweep打扫 swim游泳 solve解决

名词: sale销售 same相同 sand沙地 science科学 scientist科学家 sea海洋 screen屏风 season时期 secret秘密 seat座位 service服务 shame羞耻 shoulder肩膀 sight视力 side方面 sing唱歌 sleep睡眠 silence沉默 skill技能 sky填空 snow积雪 soldier士兵 spirit精神 speech演讲 speed速度 story故事 store商店 stranger陌生人 student学生style风格 success成功 subject主题 sweater毛衣

形容词: sick厌恶的 shy害羞的 small小的 slow慢的 sleepy困乏的 similar相似的simple简单的 silly愚蠢的 silent沉默的 smart聪明的 smooth顺利的 snowy下雪的 social社会的 soft柔软的 smart聪明的 stupid愚蠢的 strict严格的 strange陌生的 super特级的 sunny阳光充足的 successful成功的 sudden突然的 strong强大的 sweet甜的 surprising令人惊讶的 surprised感到惊奇的 sure肯定的


动词: take拿 talk谈话 taste尝起来 teach教 tell告诉 thank谢谢 think思考 throw扔 trust相信 try尝试 translate翻译 travel旅行turn转变

名词: teacher老师 telephone电话 taste味道 talk谈话 text文章 theater戏院thief贼 thing东西 ticket票 traffic交通 train火车 tourist旅行者 tour旅游 truth真相 trip旅行 trouble麻烦 turn变化 type类型

形容词:tall高的 terrible可怕的 thick厚的 thin薄的 tired累的 tiring累人的tidy整齐的 true真实的


ugly丑陋的 unable不能的 uncle叔叔 understand理解 university大学 upset心烦的 upstairs楼上的 use使用 used习惯的 useful有用的 useless无用的 usual通常的 usually通常


Vacation假期 vegetables蔬菜 view观察 visit参观 visitor参观者 voice声音


动词: wait等待 wake叫醒 walk走路 want想要 warn警告 wash洗 waste浪费 watch看 wave挥手 wear穿着 weigh称重量 welcome欢迎 win赢得 wipe擦拭wonder想知道 worry担忧的 write写

名词: wall墙 weight重量 weekend周末 weekday工作日 website网址 way方法 wealth财富 wife妻子 winner胜利者 winter冬天

形容词:weak脆弱的 well-known众所周知的 western西方的 whole整个的 wide宽的white白色的wet湿的 worth值得的 wise聪明的 wonderful了不起的 windy有风的 wrong错误的


year年 yellow黄色 yesterday昨天 young年轻的
