就是海伦凯勒的老师 安妮莎莉文 她的性格是什么啊! 也就是她是什么样的人!
1916年底,沙利文老师病倒了。她和助手托马斯波丽第一次离开海伦,去波多黎各疗养。但即使在疗养的时间里,她也是频繁地给海伦写信。这也是她和海伦相遇后,有生之年的唯一一次“离开”。直到66岁,1936年10月20日,她永远地离开了人世。 她留下了这样的遗言: Good-bye John Macy, I'll soon be with you, good-bye, I loved you. I wanted to be loved, I was lonesome. Then Helen came into my life, I wanted her to love me and I loved her. Then later Polly came and I loved Polly and we were always so happy together, my Polly, my Helen. Dear children may we all meet together in harmony. My Jimmy I'll lay these flowers by your face, don't take him away from me, I loved him so he's all I've got... Polly will take care of Helen. As the years go on her speeches won't be so brilliant as what people will think but my guiding hand won't be there to take out what should be taken out. Thank God I gave of my life that Helen might live. God help her to live without me when I go. 她对自己一生中遇到的最重要的人,一一做了致辞和谢幕。深情的寂寞和爱,轻轻落地。 海伦功成名就,扬名世界。安妮这支照亮了别人的蜡衫码消烛,由于用眼过度,最后失明;她默默无闻地隐身背后,从不抱怨。有记者要写关于她的文或知章,她不屑一顾地回答:“我的
文学史上的奇迹,而安妮就是创造奇迹的人。 她是伟大而又平凡的一个女人。