
Mature Indian civil society, members of the public to form a mature corporate culture and ethical culture. 许多朋友都对我说:印度的货一般来说没有中国的好,但不会有假货。 Many friends have told me that: In India, China, goods in general, not good, but there will not be fake. 确实,从整体上来讲,印度产品的花色、品种、设计和制作工艺目前赶不上中国,和印度企业谈成生意不那么容易。 Indeed, overall speaking, the Indian products, color, variety, design and production process at present can not keep up in China, and Indian companies into the business to talk about is not so easy. 但是,印度企业,特别是上规模的企业故意不讲信用,故意制造假冒伪劣商品的现象整体上并不多。 However, the Indian companies, especially large enterprises on the deliberate bad faith, deliberately creating the phenomenon of fake and shoddy goods as a whole not many. 在孟买举行的中国南方商品展销会新闻发布会上裤升纯,印度工业联合会主席卡兰特利回答记者提问时所说的一段话给我留下了深刻印象。 Be held in Mumbai in southern China trade fair news conference, President of Confederation of Indian Industry Karan Hartley said when answering a reporter's question, then left me a deep impression. 他说:"自觉遵守规范、信守承诺是印度企业长期制胜的法宝,也是体现印度企2004中国华南商品(印度孟胡咐买)展销会开幕时,印度工业联合会卡兰特利主席(中)前往祝贺业文化核心理念的表现。将遵守规范、信守承诺提高到核心理念和精神支柱的高度来认识,作为企业行为价值选择的准则,就不会因为周围不规范的环境或其他企业的不规范行为而放松了对自己的约束。印度大多数企业已经意识到坚守诚信的企业在市场秩序不规范的条件下,有可能会吃亏一时,但是,最终成大气者只能是诚信的企业。"印度企业中的诚信文化还包括雇主和雇员双方互讲信用这个笑拿内容。 He said: "conscientiously abide by the norms, to keep its promise is a magic weapon for winning the long-term Indian firms, but also reflect the prices in India 2004 South China Commodities (Mumbai, India) exhibition opening ceremony, Chairman of Confederation of Indian Industry Karan Hartley (middle) to congratulate the industry the core concept of cultural performance. will comply with specifications, to keep its promise to the core concept and spirit of the pillar height to understanding the value of enterprise behavior as a selection criteria, they will not because of lack of regulation surrounding environment or other business irregularities in the relaxation the constraints of their own. Indian companies have realized that uphold the integrity of the majority of enterprises in the market order non-standard conditions, they may lose a moment, but ultimately into the atmosphere could only be honest enterprise. "Indian companies in the Integrity also involves both employers and employees each disloyal this content. 印度从事高科技或从事高级商务主管的人,自然会接触到企业的秘密,如果离开一个企业,会自觉在几年内不从事与原企业业务相同的工作,这是市民文化、契约文化深入人心的结果。 India's hi-tech or engage in high-level business managers who will naturally come into contact with corporate secrets, if leaving a business, would consciously within a few years do not engage in their business the same with the original work, which is the public culture, contract deep-rooted culture Results. 在印度,如果哪个工程师出卖了公司,那他"永远也别想找到工作了",因为业内人士只要知道谁违反了信用协议,今后再也不会找谁做合作伙伴。 In India, if the engineers, which sold the company, that he "could never hope to find work," because as long as the industry know who is in violation of credit agreements, the future will no longer do they turn to partners. 反观国内,跳槽带走公司商业秘密另起炉灶者举不胜举,即便一些大公司也常常以挖别人的墙脚为荣,甚至确定雇用新员工的砝码就是"你有什么带过来"。 , In Taiwan, switch to a fresh start by taking the company trade secrets list goes on, even if some large companies are often dug up someone else's proud foot of a wall, or even hire new staff to determine the weights is "What do you take over." 在这里,"挖墙脚"被上升到了一种"潜规则",或者说违约成了制度外的一种"文化"。 Here, the "cut corners" is elevated to a kind of "hidden rules", or outside the system of non-compliance has become a kind of "culture."
印度企业对行业协会的活动、规范等也出奇地重视,行业文化是印度企业文化的一个非常重要的方面,同时也是企业文化的延伸和放大。 Indian companies on the activities of trade associations, norms, also a surprisingly great importance to the industry culture is the corporate culture in India a very important aspect of corporate culture is also an extension and amplification. 在我看来,对行业文化的重视程度不同,也是中印两国企业文化的一个重大区别。 In my view, the importance of the culture of different levels, but also China and India a major difference between corporate culture. 印度绝大多数企业会加入某一个行业协会,企业越大,加入的行业协会自然会越有名,越有影响。 India, the vast majority of companies will join a certain industry associations, enterprises greater will naturally join the more well-known industry associations, the more influential. 企业离开了行业协会,在业内的影响就会受到局限。 Companies left the industry associations in the industry's impact will be limited. 行业协会立下的规矩,企业一般会遵守。 Industry associations set the rules, companies generally comply. 外国人跟印度人做生意,发生纠纷后往往找印度法院打官司,这是因不了解印度国情所致。 Foreigners doing business with the Indians, after a dispute tend to look for Indian court litigation, which is caused due to not understand the Indian conditions. 找法院打官司,拖几年、十几年是常事,找行业协会调解,往往要快得多,效果也要好些。 Look for the court to court, dragging a few years, 10 years is not unusual to find a trade association conciliation, often much faster, and it works better. 印度人和外国人谈生意,不互相杀价,都能认真做到不突破行业协会定的行业最低价。 Indians and foreigners, talking business, do not bargain with each other, can seriously do not break through the industry trade association set minimum price. 这一点和我国不少企业竞相杀价形成鲜明的对比。 This and our race to the bottom of many enterprises in stark contrast. 印度是小政府,大社会,行业协会在企业界的影响、作用很大。 India is a small government, big society, industry associations in the business world the impact effect. 一个突出的例子就是印度在世界贸易组织和其他国际性商务谈判中,行业协会起的作用很大。 A prominent example is India, the World Trade Organization and other international business negotiations, industry associations from the date of effect. 在政府牵头的基础上和前提下,谈汽车问题由汽车协会来谈,谈棉花问题由棉花协会来谈。 In the government-led basis and under the premise of the question by the Automobile Association to talk about cars and talk, talk talk about cotton from the Cotton Association. 印度商人商会第96届主席、印度棉花协会主席、棉花商人柯达克先生曾代表印度参加棉花谈判,印度商人商会第97届主席、进出口商哈里巴克蒂曾代表印度参加世界贸易组织多哈谈判。 Indian businessman Chamber of Commerce Chairman of the 96th session of the Indian Cotton Association President, Mr. Ke Dake cotton merchants to participate in cotton, the negotiations on behalf of India, India, the 97th President of Chamber of Commerce, traders, importers and exporters Hali Ba Quetu has represented India at the World Trade Organization Doha negotiations. 商会是企业家的组织,商会代表印度参加国际商务谈判,他们了解情况,熟悉业务,减少了中间环节,有利于印度企业与国际接轨。 Chamber of Commerce is the organization of entrepreneurs, chambers of commerce on behalf of India to participate in international commercial negotiations, they understand the situation, familiar with the operations, reduce intermediate links will help Indian companies with international practice.
Mature Indian civil society, members of the public to form a mature corporate culture and ethical culture. 许多朋友都对我说:印度的货一般来说没有中国的好,但不会有假货。 Many friends have told me that: In India, China, goods in general, not good, but there will not be fake. 确实,从整体上来讲,印度产品的花色、品种、设计和制作工艺目前赶不上中国,和印度企业谈成生意不那么容易。 Indeed, overall speaking, the Indian products, color, variety, design and production process at present can not keep up in China, and Indian companies into the business to talk about is not so easy. 但是,印度企业,特别是上规模的企业故意不讲信用,故意制造假冒伪劣商品的现象整体上并不多。 However, the Indian companies, especially large enterprises on the deliberate bad faith, deliberately creating the phenomenon of fake and shoddy goods as a whole not many. 在孟买举行的中国南方商品展销会新闻发布会上裤升纯,印度工业联合会主席卡兰特利回答记者提问时所说的一段话给我留下了深刻印象。 Be held in Mumbai in southern China trade fair news conference, President of Confederation of Indian Industry Karan Hartley said when answering a reporter's question, then left me a deep impression. 他说:"自觉遵守规范、信守承诺是印度企业长期制胜的法宝,也是体现印度企2004中国华南商品(印度孟胡咐买)展销会开幕时,印度工业联合会卡兰特利主席(中)前往祝贺业文化核心理念的表现。将遵守规范、信守承诺提高到核心理念和精神支柱的高度来认识,作为企业行为价值选择的准则,就不会因为周围不规范的环境或其他企业的不规范行为而放松了对自己的约束。印度大多数企业已经意识到坚守诚信的企业在市场秩序不规范的条件下,有可能会吃亏一时,但是,最终成大气者只能是诚信的企业。"印度企业中的诚信文化还包括雇主和雇员双方互讲信用这个笑拿内容。 He said: "conscientiously abide by the norms, to keep its promise is a magic weapon for winning the long-term Indian firms, but also reflect the prices in India 2004 South China Commodities (Mumbai, India) exhibition opening ceremony, Chairman of Confederation of Indian Industry Karan Hartley (middle) to congratulate the industry the core concept of cultural performance. will comply with specifications, to keep its promise to the core concept and spirit of the pillar height to understanding the value of enterprise behavior as a selection criteria, they will not because of lack of regulation surrounding environment or other business irregularities in the relaxation the constraints of their own. Indian companies have realized that uphold the integrity of the majority of enterprises in the market order non-standard conditions, they may lose a moment, but ultimately into the atmosphere could only be honest enterprise. "Indian companies in the Integrity also involves both employers and employees each disloyal this content. 印度从事高科技或从事高级商务主管的人,自然会接触到企业的秘密,如果离开一个企业,会自觉在几年内不从事与原企业业务相同的工作,这是市民文化、契约文化深入人心的结果。 India's hi-tech or engage in high-level business managers who will naturally come into contact with corporate secrets, if leaving a business, would consciously within a few years do not engage in their business the same with the original work, which is the public culture, contract deep-rooted culture Results. 在印度,如果哪个工程师出卖了公司,那他"永远也别想找到工作了",因为业内人士只要知道谁违反了信用协议,今后再也不会找谁做合作伙伴。 In India, if the engineers, which sold the company, that he "could never hope to find work," because as long as the industry know who is in violation of credit agreements, the future will no longer do they turn to partners. 反观国内,跳槽带走公司商业秘密另起炉灶者举不胜举,即便一些大公司也常常以挖别人的墙脚为荣,甚至确定雇用新员工的砝码就是"你有什么带过来"。 , In Taiwan, switch to a fresh start by taking the company trade secrets list goes on, even if some large companies are often dug up someone else's proud foot of a wall, or even hire new staff to determine the weights is "What do you take over." 在这里,"挖墙脚"被上升到了一种"潜规则",或者说违约成了制度外的一种"文化"。 Here, the "cut corners" is elevated to a kind of "hidden rules", or outside the system of non-compliance has become a kind of "culture."
印度企业对行业协会的活动、规范等也出奇地重视,行业文化是印度企业文化的一个非常重要的方面,同时也是企业文化的延伸和放大。 Indian companies on the activities of trade associations, norms, also a surprisingly great importance to the industry culture is the corporate culture in India a very important aspect of corporate culture is also an extension and amplification. 在我看来,对行业文化的重视程度不同,也是中印两国企业文化的一个重大区别。 In my view, the importance of the culture of different levels, but also China and India a major difference between corporate culture. 印度绝大多数企业会加入某一个行业协会,企业越大,加入的行业协会自然会越有名,越有影响。 India, the vast majority of companies will join a certain industry associations, enterprises greater will naturally join the more well-known industry associations, the more influential. 企业离开了行业协会,在业内的影响就会受到局限。 Companies left the industry associations in the industry's impact will be limited. 行业协会立下的规矩,企业一般会遵守。 Industry associations set the rules, companies generally comply. 外国人跟印度人做生意,发生纠纷后往往找印度法院打官司,这是因不了解印度国情所致。 Foreigners doing business with the Indians, after a dispute tend to look for Indian court litigation, which is caused due to not understand the Indian conditions. 找法院打官司,拖几年、十几年是常事,找行业协会调解,往往要快得多,效果也要好些。 Look for the court to court, dragging a few years, 10 years is not unusual to find a trade association conciliation, often much faster, and it works better. 印度人和外国人谈生意,不互相杀价,都能认真做到不突破行业协会定的行业最低价。 Indians and foreigners, talking business, do not bargain with each other, can seriously do not break through the industry trade association set minimum price. 这一点和我国不少企业竞相杀价形成鲜明的对比。 This and our race to the bottom of many enterprises in stark contrast. 印度是小政府,大社会,行业协会在企业界的影响、作用很大。 India is a small government, big society, industry associations in the business world the impact effect. 一个突出的例子就是印度在世界贸易组织和其他国际性商务谈判中,行业协会起的作用很大。 A prominent example is India, the World Trade Organization and other international business negotiations, industry associations from the date of effect. 在政府牵头的基础上和前提下,谈汽车问题由汽车协会来谈,谈棉花问题由棉花协会来谈。 In the government-led basis and under the premise of the question by the Automobile Association to talk about cars and talk, talk talk about cotton from the Cotton Association. 印度商人商会第96届主席、印度棉花协会主席、棉花商人柯达克先生曾代表印度参加棉花谈判,印度商人商会第97届主席、进出口商哈里巴克蒂曾代表印度参加世界贸易组织多哈谈判。 Indian businessman Chamber of Commerce Chairman of the 96th session of the Indian Cotton Association President, Mr. Ke Dake cotton merchants to participate in cotton, the negotiations on behalf of India, India, the 97th President of Chamber of Commerce, traders, importers and exporters Hali Ba Quetu has represented India at the World Trade Organization Doha negotiations. 商会是企业家的组织,商会代表印度参加国际商务谈判,他们了解情况,熟悉业务,减少了中间环节,有利于印度企业与国际接轨。 Chamber of Commerce is the organization of entrepreneurs, chambers of commerce on behalf of India to participate in international commercial negotiations, they understand the situation, familiar with the operations, reduce intermediate links will help Indian companies with international practice.
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