
We often什么(play)games on the playground.
He 什么(get)up at six o'clock every day.
什么you什么(brush)your teeth every morning.
What (do)什么he usually (do)什么after work?
Danny什么(study)English,Chinese,Maths,Science and Art at school.
Miki sometime什么(go)to the park with her parents.
At night,she often什么(watch)TV with her parents.
什么Julie什么(read)English every day?
How many lessons什么your brother什么(have)on Monday?
That time 什么his mother 什么(do)the housework?
We often (play)games on the playground.

He (gets )up at six o'clock every day.

(Do ) you (brush)your teeth every morning.

What (does) he usually (do) after work?

Danny (studies )English,Chinese,Maths,Science and Art at school.

Miki sometime (goes )to the park with her parents.

At night,she often (watches )TV with her parents.

( Does ) Julie (read)English every day?

How many lessons( does ) your brother (have)on Monday?

That time (was ) his mother (doing )the housework?

注:主语是三单一般现在时谓语动词要加S要搏明es; 加了助动词does / do 后的动词要用原形。

你好: 很乐衫中意帮亮帆助你!

1 play 2 gets 3 Do,,,brush 4 does,,,do 5 studies 6 goes 7 watches 8 Does,,,read

9does,,,have 10 was,,,doing

  1. play

  2. gets

  3. Do   brush

  4. does   do

  5. studies

  6. goes

  7. watches

  8. Does  让轿埋 read

  9. does have

  10. does  do
