中国有句古话:实事造英雄,孔子和苏格拉底在不同时代也各自不约而同的上演了类似的人生。 孔子死后十年,苏格拉底诞生了,生着一张同样不惹人爱的脸,但同样怀揣着一颗伟大而神圣的心,给雅典,给世界带来了希望和光明。 苏格拉底和孔子一样,一生都在追求人心中的道德原则。在道德理论方面,苏格拉底属于幸福主义者。苏格拉底谓幸福即至善,但他所指的幸福不专指快乐,他认为人类要获得幸福,
Chinese have a saying: facts make the hero, Confucius and Socrates, each in a different era spontaneously staged a similar life. Ten years after the death of Confucius, Socrates was born, not born with an equally lovable face, but also carries a great and sacred heart, to Athens, brought to the world of hope and light. Socrates and Confucius, like the hearts of his life in the pursuit of moral principles. In moral theory, Socrates advocates are happy. Socrates said that happiness is perfection, but he was referring specifically refers to happiness is not happy, he should be happy that human life must be sober, because moderation is the foundation of all morality, in the ideological and moral education, Confucius doctrine of human-centered, self-denial, including the meaning of benevolence, Confucius advocated the social nature of man, and Socrates advocates of human freedom,