高分求编很简单的英语对话。 急用!

两份role play. 大同小异。
不需要太难。 每段大概3-4分钟。谢谢了!

You are the host.You meet the visitor at the airport.After greeting her,start a conversation on the topic of a flight, the weather, or the visitor's previous visits.
You are the visitor.You respond to the host's greeting and then engage in small talk on the topic already mentioned by the host.

You are the host.You go over the following schedule and ask whether your visitor has any questions about the arrangements.
9:00-9:30 a presentation on sales avtivities.
9:30-10:30 tour the office area.
10:30-12:00 visit the research center.
12:00-1:00 have lunch
1:00-2:00 visit the Overseas Department.
2:00-3:00 a coffee break and further discussion.
You are the visitor.You accept the arrangements or apologize fr your inability to folloe part of the schedule.Don't forget to explain why you can't.

不用翻译。 急用、
A:How are you during your time in the plane?
B:I'm fine ,thank you!
A:Are you feeling tired during your flight?
B:No,I'm feeling very well.
A:Oh,that's very good.I'm very glad to have a communication with you.Nice to see you!
B:Nice to see you,too!
A:I'm the host to talk with you,would you please hear some our arrangements during flowing time?
B:Of course,you say them just now,please.
A:OK.If you have some questions about the arrangements,you can say to me at once.
B:Well,I will.
A:We plan to take part in the presentation on sales activities between 9:00 and 9:30,and then,we are gonging to tour the office area during the next one hour.After touring the office area,we will visit the research center before 12:00.When it is at 12:00,we will have our lunch between 12:00 and 1:00.
B:Oh,I see.
A:But,do you think if there are some inappropriate arrangements in the morning? If you have some questions,we may change some of our schedule.
B:No,I haven't any questions,so what are the arrangements in the afternoon?
A:OK,I continue to say.We will spend one hour visiting the Overseas Department between 1:00 and 2:00.Afer that we will have a coffee break and further discussion.How do think of my arrangements?
B:I really agree with you about your arrangements.I think the schedule is reasonable.Just do as you said(这里数行用过去式,是表示刚刚说的话)
老兄 我就设计完了 我花了1个多小时编了这个对话,还查了字典.希望我编的这个会话能对你有用.同时你也可以改一薯闷哗改.我英语只是过了全国英语六级,也不是很专业. 如果你还有英语方面的其他问题 你也可以给我联系.我的qq:570670290

a:Are you Mr.X?I believe it's the first time we meet each other.My name is Y.Nice to meet you.Welcome to our country.
b:Yes,i am.Nice to meet you,too.And thanks a lot for coming picking me up.
a:you are welcome.How's your journey,by the way?
b:it's……ok……(迟疑语气)you know,sunny and windless day is the best,but there were some waves and the flight was almost delayed.Not so comfortbal for me.But in general,it's OK.
a:i always love watching the white,soft,clouds outside the window when i am on a flight.I think they are just beautiful.What a pity you missed the view.oh^(遗憾语气)hopefully,the crappy weather didn't ruin everything.
b:no,no,not everything.i mean,at least the food was there for me.I just loved the beef-juicy-rice so much.And I really took a sweet nap in the waves,kinda' in a glider way.

a:now,let's see what do we need to do today.
b:oh(惊讶的语气),is that the schedule?
a:yes(升调).so,how about the presentation from 9 to 9:30?
b:the presentation on sales activities?ok.
a:and,tour of the office all through the very next hour?
b:perfect.and thanks again for being my tour guide.
a:that's all right.and 10:30 to 12:00,visiting the research center?
a:and the next hour is lunch time.
b:ah!finaly!i'm so hungry just listening to the list.and……do you think it's possible to reschedule our lunch time half an hour earlier and last a little bit longer?we can move faster earlier the day.i am so tired just took off the plane.
a:so,it's 1 pm to 2 pm to visit your overseas department.
b:no problem.
a:and after that:one hour coffee break.
a:during the break,we can take a further discussion.
b:discussion for……like……(迟疑,危机感)
a:what do we miss all over the day,what can we do the next couple hours?